OpenPix guarantees always-on Pix operation even during weekend bank failures

Online shopping has become part of our lives. However, it can be frustrating for customers when they encounter downtime during transactions due to banks being offline.

Especially with Pix transactions that are approved in real time. This can lead to lost sales and damage to the reputation of e-commerce companies.

To solve this problem, OpenPix offers an intelligent load balancer solution that uses multiple routes and banks to build a reliable and efficient solution that guarantees uninterrupted transactions for customers even during downtime of the banks or even the Pix network. .

One of the great benefits of OpenPix's Pix Load Balancer is its ability to keep clients up and running even when some banks are offline. This is achieved through its intelligent load balancing algorithm, which ensures that transactions are transparently redirected to other available banks. This means customers can continue shopping without interruptions or delays, which ultimately leads to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Last weekend when several banks on the pix network suffered failures on their platforms. This solution was put to the test and OpenPix was able to guarantee uninterrupted and faultless operation for its ecommerce portals during some bank failures, even for several hours.

In this article, we'll discuss how OpenPix was able to keep Pix transactions running smoothly and why this solution is critical for every business that processes a large amount of financial transactions.


OpenPix and Pix Load Balancer

OpenPix implements the concept of Pix Load Balancer to intelligently distribute transactions between different banks and financial institutions, avoiding directing transactions to overloaded or unstable banks.

With this technology, transactions are directed to the bank with the greatest availability at the time, which increases the efficiency and agility of Pix transaction processing.

Pix always-on operation during bank failures

Last weekend (18 and 19/03/23), several banks faced technical problems, which could have caused the interruption of Pix services and harmed thousands of companies across the country. However, thanks to OpenPix and the Pix Load Balancer, our customers' transactions continued to be processed without interruption.

OpenPix's solution detected failing banks and automatically redirected transactions to other financial institutions that were functioning normally. This allowed users to continue carrying out their Pix transactions without experiencing issues or delays.


The importance of OpenPix Software

This event highlights the importance of solutions like OpenPix to ensure the stability and availability of financial services.

With the growth of Pix and increasing dependence on digital transactions, it is essential to rely on technologies such as Pix Load Balancer to avoid interruptions and ensure an agile and efficient user experience.




  • Pix modules
  • Pix WooCommerce
  • Pix Magento 1
  • Pix Magento 2
  • Pix Shopify
  • E-Commerce
  • Checkout
  • Virtual Account
  • Pix WhatsApp
  • Pix Webhook
  • Plugin Pix Analytics
  • API Pix
  • All Products


OpenPix is a digital payment management platform. It is used by companies that want to connect payment methods with their customers.

Pix is a registered trademark of BACEN, EMV is a registered trademark of EMVco, QRCode is a registered trademark of Denso Wave.

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