If you own a business or work in finance, you've certainly heard about conciliação bancária. Mas você sabe o que é e como ela pode ser útil para o seu negócio? Neste artigo, vamos explicar tudo o que você precisa saber sobre conciliação bancária, desde o conceito até como implementar em sua empresa.
What is bank reconciliation?
Bank reconciliation is a process that aims to check the financial transactions of a company with the information recorded in the bank statement.
In other words, it is a way of comparing the inflows and outflows of money in the company's system with the information provided by the bank. In this way, it is possible to identify any errors or discrepancies in financial transactions.

Why is bank reconciliation important?
Bank reconciliation is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to avoid accounting errors, which can lead to tax problems and even fines for the company. In addition, bank reconciliation makes it possible to identify fraud and embezzlement, which unfortunately can happen in any company.
Another advantage of bank reconciliation is that it helps save time and money. By checking the financial information against the bank statement, you can quickly identify any errors and correct them before they cause bigger problems. This avoids rework and unnecessary expenses with accountants, taxes and lawyers.

How can pix help with bank reconciliation?
With PIX, many companies are wondering how this new payment method can help with bank reconciliation. And the answer is simple: o PIX pode ser uma ótima ferramenta para tornar a conciliação mais rápida e eficiente.
That's because, unlike other forms of payment, such as boletos and bank transfers, PIX has an instant record of transactions. That is, as soon as the transaction is carried out, it already appears on the bank statement.
With this, bank reconciliation can be performed in real time, which means that the company's financial information will always be up-to-date and accurate. This avoids delays in data checking and possible accounting errors.
In addition, the PIX also offers the possibility of using additional information, such as the payer's name, CPF/CNPJ and order number, which facilitates the identification of transactions and speeds up the reconciliation process.
However, it is important to remember that the use of PIX in bank reconciliation requires the use of specialized tools, which allow the automation of the process, in OpenPix temos todas as funcionalidades necessárias para gerenciar de perto a conciliação bancária via Pix, inclusive de forma automatizada.

How to implement bank reconciliation in your company?
To implement bank reconciliation in your company, you need to follow a few simple steps:
1. Choose a bank reconciliation tool
There are several tools on the market that help perform bank reconciliation in an automated way. It is important to choose a tool that meets your company's needs and is compatible with the system used to record financial transactions.
OpenPix provides free of charge all the features necessary for you to carry out bank reconciliation, such as: Detailed Statement, Withdrawal Report (order to cash), receipts and much more.
2. Hold the conference
With the bank reconciliation tool chosen, it's time to check the information. The ideal is to do this daily, to avoid accumulation of tasks and for errors to be identified as early as possible.
3. Fix the errors
If errors or discrepancies are identified, it is important to correct them immediately. If necessary, contact the bank to clarify any doubts and solve the problems.
Bank reconciliation is a fundamental process to ensure the integrity of a company's financial information. In addition to avoiding accounting errors and fraud, it helps save time and money. Therefore, if you haven't yet implemented bank reconciliation in your company, start right now and enjoy all the benefits it can offer.