Webhook for billing and payments with OpenPix: everything you need to know

In this article, we will present all the information you need to know about the webhook para cobranças e pagamentos com a OpenPix. Desde o que é, como funciona, até suas vantagens e como configurar a plataforma para aproveitar ao máximo essa solução.


What is an OpenPix Billing and Payment Webhook?

The webhook is a tool that allows systems to communicate automatically, without the need for a human to be involved in this process.

This means that, when using the webhook for collections and payments with OpenPix, for example, it is possible to automate the entire financial transaction process, from collection to payment.

In this way, the webhook for collections and payments is a solution that allows you to integrate the OpenPix payment platform with your system or ecommerce, simplifying and optimizing the entire operation.

How does the webhook for billing and payments with OpenPix work?

The functioning of the webhook for collections and payments with OpenPix is very simple. Upon receiving a notification from the OpenPix system about a new billing or a new payment, the webhook will trigger your billing system so that the process runs automatically.

There are several events that can trigger webhooks, including:

  • charge created
  • bill paid
  • single transaction
  • Reimbursement
  • And much more

In this way, when using the webhook for collections and payments with OpenPix, it is possible to automate the entire financial transaction process, as the system automatically notifies other applications.


Advantages of the webhook for billing and payments with OpenPix

There are many advantages of the webhook for collections and payments with OpenPix. Some of them include:

  • Automating the financial transaction process, which can reduce errors and increase efficiency;
  • Integration with other solutions and systems, which allows you to use OpenPix in conjunction with other platforms;
  • Greater security for financial transactions, as the entire process is automated and less susceptible to fraud and human errors.

How to set up webhook for billing and payments with OpenPix?

To set up the webhook for billing and payments with OpenPix, you need to follow a few simple steps. See below:

After creating your conta na OpenPix

  1. Login to your OpenPix account and navigate to the API/Plugins menu section.

  2. Click New webhook

  3. Fill in the requested information, such as your system's URL and the type of event you want to configure.

After that, test the Webhook trigger to make sure everything is working.

Learn more in our technical documentation: Clique aqui.


By following the simple webhook setup steps, you can make the most of this solution and simplify your financial day-to-day even further. Therefore, if you still don't use the webhook for collections and payments with OpenPix, don't waste any more time and start using it right now to optimize your processes and systems.




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  • E-Commerce
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  • Virtual Account
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  • Pix Webhook
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  • All Products


OpenPix is a digital payment management platform. It is used by companies that want to connect payment methods with their customers.

Pix is a registered trademark of BACEN, EMV is a registered trademark of EMVco, QRCode is a registered trademark of Denso Wave.

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